The website

is edited by Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays

Address : 3091 Avenue Francois Mitterrand 62730 Marck
RCS 80008062400011 - TVA intracommunautaire : FR67800080624 - APE : 0130Z

Accommodation :
O.V.H, SASU in the capial 10 174 560,00 € whose head office is located 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix (France)
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045, Code APE 2620Z, N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419

Publishing Manager: Pierre Lavalée

Content of the website

By content of the site is meant the general structure, the texts, and the images, whether animated or not, of which the site is composed. Any total or partial representation of this site and its content, by any means whatsoever, without the express prior authorization of the company Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the Code. of Intellectual Property. Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays reserves the right to modify, without notice, all or part of the components of the site, both in terms of content and form, without prejudice.

Personal data

You have, in accordance with article 27 of the Data Protection Act, a right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending a letter to the following address: 3091 Avenue Francois Mitterrand 62730 Marck. The data collected by the contact form on this site will be kept for a maximum of 12 months.

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The Internet user browses the site under his sole and entire responsibility. Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of this site or sites linked by hypertext link. No recourse can be established with the company Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays for any damage whatsoever, whether in terms of equipment, loss of data or programs, or cyberattacks to which the site would have been confronted. Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays does not in any way guarantee the availability of the site, nor the absence of viruses.

Authorization to reproduce content

To reproduce content (text, graphics, illustrations) on electronic media (Web, intranet, CD-ROM, etc.) published on the site, send your request by post to: Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays 3091 Avenue Francois Mitterrand 62730 Marck. We kindly ask you to specify the context, the duration of reproduction desired, the nature of the site, the presentation envisaged... Do not forget to also specify your name, the name of your association or your company, the URL address of your site, as well as your contact details including your e-mail.

Information disseminated

All of the content published in the directory is presented, for information only, for the general information of visitors. Although Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays takes the greatest care to ensure the reliability of the information, the latter is given without any guarantee, explicit or implicit, of topicality, validity and completeness, the visitor therefore accepts to use this information under its sole responsibility.

Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays strives to ensure the accuracy and updating of information, and has the right to rectify, modify and delete its content at any time and without notice. In addition, Jardin Botanique Du Beau Pays declines all responsibility in the event of errors and omissions in the content of this information.